
Plan a City for Girls and It Works for Everyone. Kristin Malmcrona Friberg.

Plan a City for Girls and It Works for Everyone. Kristin Malmcrona Friberg.

‘‘The Swedish Advertising Ombudsman assesses whether your advertisement is sexist or not. I wish that there would be such an organisation active in the Czech Republic or even better, that it wouldn´t happen in the first place. I mean, why would a half-naked woman make you want to buy new car tires?’’

Female Body Display x Public Space. Nora Noor

Female Body Display x Public Space. Nora Noor

,,We have a law that allows for a citizen to complain to a community council if they see something that they consider vulgar, improper or sexualized in outdoor advertising. If agreed, the advertising can then be taken down. A group like Chienne de Garde do amazing things – for example once they find such spot, they get keys to advertising stands and they just take it down during the night. They literally hack public furniture.’’

Where the Streets are Named after Women. Etuna Nogaideli

Where the Streets are Named after Women. Etuna Nogaideli

,,Bringing this project to the end was a very political act in its truest sense. I have attended several meetings of different committees at the City Hall; I have listened to insulting comments from different members. Some claimed it was a violation of their rights that we obliged them to read biographies of women that they were not interested in. The other comment was that we were supporting further distortion of the city with unnecessary construction. However, along the way, I have also been supported by a number of people; feminists who worked either in the City Council and / or the City Hall, but also ordinary employees and our partners.''

Architecture under the skin. Laura P. Spinadel

Architecture under the skin. Laura P. Spinadel

I don’t want to be successful as the system defines it. I want to feel alive and I like to speak with journalists, students or people in the planet because we need a critical mass of free thinkers who believe we can change the world. That we can do something to be happier, to bring back hope. I think change will come from the bottom up, but we need to build many examples.

I am talking about about Holistic Villages where people can live with values, the environment, the sun. We have to do it because most of today’s politicians, teachers, and authors live in a comfort zone.